Monica Magic Battle - iOS/Android - Canceled
Genre: Real-Time Strategy / Free-to-Play
Platforms: iOS / Android
Release Date: Canceled
Description: Monica Magic Battle is a F2P mobil game based in the most famous Brazilian kid’s IP, Turma da Mônica (Monica’s Gang). This game is specifically focused in the Turma da Monica’s animation called “Mônica Toy”.
In this games I have been the Creative Director, also responsible for the creative meanings, concept, gameplay, balance, monetization, core loop, and System Design.
This game is similar to Clash Royalle... with some differences, that provide specific characteristics to the game. For example, during the combat gameplay, player needs to dynamic control a hero (avatar), with specific abilities, in addition to choose the cards.
It has been developing by Yupi Studios, and I am working as an external partner. In the menus you can manage your chests and decks, buy cards, chests, hard and soft currencies, and use social features.
There is also a story mode, where the player needs to advance through a lot of different worlds, facing many enemies. This mode was demanded by the IP's owner (Monica’s Gang), and also covers Storytelling, based on the Youtube video series, “Mônica Toy”. I’ve worked on this project from scratch to the early alpha stage.